SO(u)LED OUT! Virtual Monthly Listening Circle - February 23, 2021
Each month, The Equity Consortium invites you to a mixed company listening circle. The world is inside out and upside down: it's time to find your new normal.
Theme for February 23: Truth and Grace
What better way to continue what we realized at our Good vs. Evil January Listening Circle: speaking truth to power requires not only trusting your gut (intuition), but also the validation of others. Others together create systems both harmful and potentially good. Then, how do we interrupt, pause, demand urgency, with grace? What does power look like in the hands of the compassionate?
This, our fifth circle is ONLINE and we like using Google Meeting so far (except for the one time...) Once registered, We send you a Google Meet link THE DAY BEFORE. You don't need a Google account (phone in also welcome) and participation is secure and will not be recorded. Please prepare a virtual space that is private and without distraction as possible. We love your children and animals so no stress, fam.