"Stop Weaponizing Our Language!" Monthly Listening Circle, March 26, 2024
From "kumbaya," to "Allahu Akbar," to "safe spaces," we no longer humbly request that evildoers kindly please stop using our words for nefarious purposes. Instead, we demand it stop immediately. These are our words, words that bring comfort and strength, faith and compassion. We spent generations of intellectual and spiritual work inventing new names for generational experiences to describe and share, educate and enlighten. Then, you snatch it up and all of the sudden, "woke" is wrong instead of strong. Says who? What must we do to take our words back? I don't know either, let's find out. That's Equity.
The world is inside out and upside down. Now that virtual living a new norm, we confidently continue to share our monthly Listening Circles far and wide.
The Equity Consortium invites you to mixed company listening circles every 4th Tuesday of the month via Google Meet. It's time to find your new nOrmAL.
Closed Captioning is default. All needs for accommodations shall be met with diligence and care. Please email your needs to [email protected] or include with your registration.