NEW DATE: "Earbuds Out: The Sounds of Equity" Monthly Listening Circle, May 23, 2023
Spring has sprung and I'm in love. We take out our earbuds and walk the planet freely, listening to lessons of equity living in the sounds of our natural world. For years, with each monthly Listening Circle's land acknowledgement, we first pause long enough to remember our own connection to the land and each other. This month, we dedicate our whole circle to these lessons: What do the flowers teach us about best practices? The wind? Water? The very earth beneath all our selves holds answers and even more questions. This month, we quiet the static noise and make welcome necessary practice of listening, particularly helpful in the face of vexation and challenge. How do we listen, especially to the diversity of life? That's Equity, and the purpose is Harmony.
Is God speaking.
Why not be polite and
Listen to
Hafiz (14th Century Poet), Translated by Ladinsky